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On average, SAF can reduce aviation carbon emission by up to 80%. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Omar Ali Adib, Rolls-Royce Senior Vice President for Africa, has outlined why there are opportunities for Africa in the global transition to cleaner, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), which will need to be indigenously produced to be truly sustainable

African airlines play a vital role in unlocking trade, providing employment, increasing GDP, and demonstrating national and continental pride. However, they face formidable challenges, foremost among them being the cost of aircraft fuel, which exceeds global averages by up to 30%, which can be attributed to the lack of local refining capability, unique market dynamics, taxation and duties, and foreign exchange challenges from weakening local currencies.

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Africa’s aviation sector has displayed remarkable resilience by returning to pre-pandemic levels. However, if African airlines are to continue to sustain their growth and competitiveness on the global stage, then they will need to fulfil some strategic objectives.

The industry needs the best technologies to maximise operational efficiencies, defend and innovate fuel security, and develop human resources.

Boosting engine performance

In terms of operational efficiency, Rolls-Royce has a role to play in supporting African airlines.

Its engines power half of the world’s wide-body (twin-aisled) aircraft, connecting passengers, transporting food and goods, and delivering healthcare and humanitarian aid. The most technologically advanced members of the Rolls-Royce engine family are the Trent 7000, which powers the Airbus A330neo, the Trent XWB, which serves the Airbus A350, and, of course, the Trent 1000, which was designed for Boeing’s 787.

This engine family has continually evolved over the last 30 years. Since the first Trent engine took flight, Rolls-Royce has focused on improving engine performance and reliability, introducing advanced new manufacturing methods, materials, aerodynamics and digital technologies. Just recently, Rolls-Royce committed UK£1bn (approx. US$1.27bn) to a programme that will enhance and advance not only new engines entering the market but also engines already in service. With this new billion-pound investment in new technologies, existing customers will benefit from improved availability, reliability and fuel efficiency.

Alternative African fuely

Today, a Rolls-Royce Trent XWB aero engine consumes 15% less fuel than the first generation of Trent engines, contributing to savings of about US$6.4mn per aircraft per year. These savings can be even greater in Africa due to the higher cost of jet fuel.

Turning to fuel innovation and security, there are opportunities for Africa in the global transition to cleaner SAF, which will need to be indigenously produced to be truly sustainable. This alternative African fuel would bring immediate benefits to emissions and longer-term fuel security. But the challenge is to produce SAF at scale.

In addition to the well-documented benefits of SAF as a key enabler to reduce aviation carbon emissions by up to 80%. The subject of SAF will become increasingly important as, from 2025, all airlines flying into the European Union must use a 2% blend of SAF, which will gradually increase to 6% in 2030, 20% by 2035, 34% by 2040, and 70% by 2050. This move has prompted the recently established EU Global Gateway African Euro320bn Investment Package, half of which will be directed towards developing Africa’s SAF capabilities.

Rolls-Royce has actively supported work to support 100% SAF adoption and its role has been to prove there are no technology impediments to its use at engine level. That is why it has recently completed its commitment to ensure all of its in-production civil aero engines are compatible with 100% SAF – a commitment underpinned by a series of tests on the ground and in the air. It was also pleased to support Virgin Atlantic, which operated the first-ever 100% SAF flight across the Atlantic from London to New York late last year, powered by Trent 1000 engines

SAF can be made from waste cooking oils and biofuels produced from agricultural waste or the growing of feedstock plants on marginal lands unsuitable for food crops – a whole new sector of agriculture. The benefits of a regional SAF supply chain include increased energy security, reduced volatility of jet fuel supply and pricing, less forex exposure and economic development opportunities through local investments and job creation.

Choosing the right aerospace technology that continues to advance and evolve while in service simultaneously reduces operating costs, bolsters the growing economy and strengthens the transition to indigenous and better-performing fuel.

Africa has over 24% of the world’s agricultural land and 60% of the world’s uncultivated arable land. Thanks to partnerships forged between the government and private sector in East Africa, we are delighted to see the seeds are already being sown to develop a world-leading biofuel sector.

This article was origninally distributed by APO Group on behalf of LCH Consultancy & Associates.

The brand and marketing conference in Kenya. (Image source: UD Trucks)

UD Trucks has hosted Brand Day events in both Kenya and Egypt to promote and plan the brand’s future direction across Africa and the Middle East

The events have been held on the back of a record-breaking year across the two regions typified by impressive sales growth across all segments and marked by involvement in prestigious projects like those at NEOM and the Red Sea. Further, they follow UD Truck’s entry into the Egyptian market and relaunch in Kenya (which were focal points during both days). With the platform already set for success, the two days (held in May) gathered together marketing representatives from across the two regions in a bid to foster collaboration and strategically plan the brand’s future direction.

According to UD Trucks, more than 100 participants took part across both events and these would ultimately prove beneficial for partners and customers as they lead to the development of more tailored and efficient solutions, improved service quality and enhanced product offerings.

The first of the days was held in Nairobi and celebrated the brand’s relaunch in the country. It saw participation from a range of marketing communications teams and key partners in the region who participated in discussions, strategic workshops and interactive sessions aimed at unifying marketing efforts.

Then, in Cairo, the second Brand Day brought together UD Trucks commercial crew alongside marketing representatives from neighboring countries. The focus of this event was on regional collaboration and strategic alignment to ensure a consistent and impactful UD Trucks brand presence across the Middle East.

The webinar will gather industry experts to discuss the growing role of technology in rail, road and transit operations. (Image source: Alain Charles Publishing)

Technical Review Middle East will be hosting a free-to-view leadership virtual panel on 11 June in association with Bentley, exploring how to maximise productivity and achieve better results in transportation management by integrating digital twin technology

The transport sector in the Middle East and Africa is undergoing a transformative journey in line with consumer pressures and international influences. The growing urgency to minimise environmental impact in all sectors, the importance of delivering safe operations and the pressure to ensure interoperability among new systems across the region are but a few of the demands stakeholders tasked with delivering the transport systems of tomorrow must deliver on.

In performing this duty and re-imagining rail, road and transit operations for the benefit of all, industry leaders are being ever-drawn to the advantages offered by modern technology such as digital twins. In the dedicated virtual panel session, speakers will:

• Explore present challenges and opportunities in the transport sector;
• Examine the role of digital technology as a catalyst for boosting productivity;
• Consider strategies for progressing towards a net-zero carbon future;
• Emphasise maintenance, asset management, and digital solutions.

Industry leaders in attendance

Between 2pm-4pm (UAE) on 11 June, Technical Review Middle East and Bentley will host the free-to-view virtual webinar that will investigate these exciting developments, bringing together leading minds from the industry in order to do so. Joining host Robert Daniels, Editor at Alain Charles Publishing, on the virtual platform:

Mark Coates: Vice President, Infrastructure Policy Advancement at Bentley Systems;
Khalil Al-Abbasi: Sustainability Consultant, The Department of Municipalities and Transport;
Dr. Hamad Al Jassmi: Director of Emirates Centre for Mobility Research, UAEU;
• Debabrata Chakraborty: Sr. Regional Director, MEA & Turkey, Bentley Systems;
• Prof. Dr. Sabih Gatea Khisaf: Infrastructure Lead Engineer MENA, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies Inc;
• Johannes Neethling: Director: Design Services (Act.) & Chief Engineer: Road Systems, Chief Directorate Road Programme Management, Transport
Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government.

Together, this formidable line-up of industry experts will explore the growing role of technology in rail, road and transit operations; provide key insights into innovative strategies; investigate detailed case studies; and examine practical solutions that are helping to unlock a new era of safe and reliable transport systems.

Click here to register for the virtual session

And click here to learn more about Bentley Rail & Transit solutions

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