

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), coal and natural gas production could potentially boost Mozambique’s economic growth rate by two per cent over the next decade. (Image source: America Plc/Flickr)

Mining company Coal India (CIL) has said it planned to begin mining coal in central Mozambique’s Tete Province to increase the supplies to India

African Eagle Resources discovered the Dutwa nickel project in Tanzania in mid 2008. (Image source: Peter Caven/Flickr)

African Eagle Resources (Eagle) it is set to acquire South-Africa based iron ore miner Lime-Chem Resources

According to Statistics SA, seasonally adjusted mining production increased by seven per cent in September 2014 compared with August 2014. (Image source: Ralf Peter Reimann/Flickr)

South Africa’s mining production grew by 5.3 per cent year-on-year in September this year, Statistics SA reported

Sesa Sterlite’s business primarily involves exploring and processing minerals, oil and gas. (Image source: Vicki/Flicker)

Indian company Sesa Sterlite has announced that it will invest US$782mn over the next three years to develop zinc deposits in southern Africa

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