

The Kumba Virtual Reality Centre in the University of Pretoria. (Image source: University of Pretoria)

Scientists at the University of Pretoria have launched the Kumba Virtual Reality Centre (VRC) to analyse mining accidents in the region and step up safety measures for workers

The Obuasi gold mine will be enabled with ramp access for better transportation of materials and workers. (Image source: Calistemon/WikimediaCommons)

International mining company Randgold Resources Limited and South Africa’s AngloGold Ashanti Limited have decided to form a joint venture to redevelop and operate AngloGold Ashanti’s Obuasi gold mine in Ghana

Mining companies prefer ZRA officials making regular trips to sites for inspection. (Image source: DavidGuthrie/Flickr)

Mining companies in Zambia have requested the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) to consider conducting regular visits to mining sites in a bid to improve tax collection

Seventy per cent of the 220 drilled holes intersected mineralisation, said the company. (Image source: IAEAImageBank/Flickr)

Canadian company Endeavour Mining Corporation has found new zones to drill in the Agbaou Gold Mine located in Côte d’Ivoire

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