

Mining organisations increasingly want to utilise OT assets for business purposes. (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Convergence of IT and operational technology (OT) assets is being actively considered in order to reduce the access path of potential cyber hackers in the mining industry

Alphamin DRC’s primary asset is the Bisie tin project containing two high-grade tin deposits – Mpama North and Mpama South. (Image source: ReneSchwietzke/Flickr)

Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), South Africa’s state-owned development finance institution, has acceeded to an investment of US$10mn in Alphamin DRC, which is the operating subsidiary of the mineral exploration company Alphamin Resources

GET can reduce the cost of production for mining companies. (Image source: Panafrican Group)

Panafrican Group is focusing on providing cost-effective and productivity improvement solutions for the mining industry, keeping in the mind the financial challenges it is currently facing

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