

Namibia, until 2011, was the fourth largest producer of uranium following Canada, Kazakhstan and Australia. (Image source: IAEAImageBank/Flickr)

China General Nuclear Power Holding Corp (CGNPC) has begun mining for uranium at the Husab mine, near Swakopmund in western-central Namibia

Lucapa Diamond Company has procured an investment of US$15mn as a bridge financing facility to fund operations on the Angolan concession. (Image source: Kim Alaniz/Flickr)

Angola’s Lucapa Diamond Company and its local mining partners Endiama and Rosas & Petalas have commenced diamond mining in the Lulo diamond concession in Angola’s Lunda Norte diamond province

The Kilembe Mines in southwestern Uganda are rich in copper and cobalt deposits. (Image source: Iamgold/Wikimedia Commons)

China’s Tibet-Hima Industries Consortium is set to begin copper mining at the Kilembe Mines in Uganda in May 2015

The Middle Orange River region is rich in diamond deposits and is known to produce high-quality diamonds. (Image source: Kaly99/Wikimedia Commons)

Canada’s Rockwell Diamonds Inc has signed a conditional agreement to acquire specific alluvial diamond properties and associated equipment from Bondeo 140CC in South Africa for US$24mn

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