

The soft launch of the Team-Energy Africa initiative precedes the high-level launch to be held at the Sustainable Energy for All Global Forum in Kigali, Rwanda. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The African Energy Chamber (AEC), in partnership with the United Nations (UN) Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Secretariat of Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), has launched the Team-Energy Africa initiative, to mobilise private sector financing for accelerated clean energy deployment across Africa

Sercel’s WiNG node used to explore the structure of a mine in Kansanshi Main Pit in Zambia. (Image source: Sercel)

Sercel has announced that its state-of-the-art WiNG land acquisition nodes are making a key contribution to a major mining exploration programme in Zambia’s Katangan copper-bearing basin

WEC Projects custom-engineered a modular wastewater treatment plant for a gold mine in Mali, West Africa. (Image source: WEC Projects)

WEC Projects, in conjunction with its partner, Multotec, has designed and custom engineered a wastewater treatment plant for a gold mine in Mali, West Africa

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