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South Africa is the 30th place in the world to have a detailed map of the country’s wind resources thanks to Risø DTU, which is part of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

The World Energy Council has addressed the challenges highlighted at the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP 15) with the publication of a report on World Energy & Climate Policy.

South African petrochemicals group Sasol recently announced a R3mn, five-year sponsorship of solar thermal energy research at Stellenbosch Universitys Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.

p>South African petrochemicals group Sasol recently announced a R3mn, five-year sponsorship of solar thermal energy research at Stellenbosch Universitys Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.

The new reforestation project on the Plateau of Bateke, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, will be a boon to the local community as it generates vital environmental benefits and presents various social services through an innovative financing scheme.

p>The new reforestation project on the Plateau of Bateke, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, will be a boon to the local community as it generates vital environmental benefits and presents various social services through an innovative financing scheme.

Electricity is becoming an omnipresent power source, in buildings and industry as well as transport with electric cars. An intelligent power grid is gradually being developed, reaching across national borders and incorporating a constantly growing proportion of renewable energies.

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