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Rex Energy launches solar power project in Tanzania

The project will include 45 secondary schools, 120 dispensaries, 10 health centers, 25 village market centers as direct beneficiaries. (Image source:

Rex Energy, a subsidiary of Rex Investment Ltd, has launched a solar power project in Tanzanias Kigoma region

The project is being financed by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a US-based development agency.

The initial installation of solar equipment has been successfully completed over the last few weeks.

The installation sites included a secondary school and dispensary in Kiganza, Vitale Health Centre and Msimba Village Market in Kigoma district.

The Kigoma Solar Project will provide power for households, businesses, government facilities that primarily rely on small diesel generators.

The project, which is expected to be completed by next year, will include 45 secondary schools, 120 dispensaries, 10 health centres, 25 village market centres as direct beneficiaries.

This project is the largest in Tanzania’s history and will be carried out through a joint effort between Rex Investment Ltd and Camco International from the UK.

While Rex will handle the technical aspects of the project like designing, supply and installation of a wide range of solar systems, Camco will be responsible for training, marketing and raising public awareness on the use of solar energy for the targeted consumers.

The project will aim to facilitate socio-economic development through the use of renewable and alternative power solutions in a region that is not connected to the national grid.

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