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Frances Minister for Ecology Jean-Louis Borloo speaks during a press conference at the Environment Ministry in Paris to present the Mediterranean electricity network project called Transgreen. The project aims at creating a consortium of companies to build a vast network of undersea electricity lines to bring solar power from Africa to Europe, under the leadership of French energy.

p>Frances Minister for Ecology Jean-Louis Borloo speaks during a press conference at the Environment Ministry in Paris to present the Mediterranean electricity network project called Transgreen. The project aims at creating a consortium of companies to build a vast network of undersea electricity lines to bring solar power from Africa to Europe, under the leadership of French energy.

German development agency GTZ is installing 15,000 solar energy systems per month in Ethiopia, where only less than one per cent of the rural population uses solar power because of inadequate investment in the sector.

p>German development agency GTZ is installing 15,000 solar energy systems per month in Ethiopia, where only less than one per cent of the rural population uses solar power because of inadequate investment in the sector.

At the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit last December, Kenya was named as one of the developing countries that can become a leader in renewable energy generation.

p>At the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit last December, Kenya was named as one of the developing countries that can become a leader in renewable energy generation.

Renewable energy in South Africa is gathering momentum, with the announcement of a new 300MW wind farm under development near the agricultural region of Caledon in the southern Western Cape province.

South Africa is the 30th place in the world to have a detailed map of the country’s wind resources thanks to Risø DTU, Denmarks National laboratory for Sustainable Energy. The map shows the best locations for wind turbines and is a prerequisite for funding wind farms.

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