
Practical implementation of Copenhagen

The TREE project (Transfer Renewable Energy & Efficiency), initiated in 2008 by the Berlin-based Renewables Academy (RENAC), supports climate change capacity building for developing and emerging countries.

RENAC, a company which provides training in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency, continues with a new programme in 2010 and extends the project to around 80 nations. TREE offers on-site training in Germany and abroad, online seminars, further education and activities promoting dialogue between political and economic decision makers and financiers from developing and emerging countries, with a focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. The project promotes not only the transfer of knowledge, but also the development of networks and an exchange of experiences between Germany and the participants from around 80 countries. "The targets for tackling climate change are currently being redefined in Copenhagen. But the measures agreed can only be implemented successfully if the relevant stakeholders have the necessary knowledge and expertise. TREE promotes the acquisition and propagation of know-how on renewables and energy efficiency both at a technical and a non-technical level. It is thus making a practical contribution to the implementation of climate change targets such as those being redefined in Copenhagen at this very moment," says Berthold Breid, CEO and founder of RENAC.

Open for development
In 2010, the TREE project is open to interested parties from around 80 countries: developing and emerging nations which have joined IRENA, the MENA countries and the 14 countries which took part in TREE 1. TREE is aimed primarily at ministry staff responsible for developing the national framework for the development of renewables and energy efficiency. Investors developing new business areas and project developers for solar thermal plants are also targeted. The seminars are held both in the RENAC Training Center in Berlin and in selected countries throughout the world.
TREE is supported by the international Climate Change Initiative of the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), following a decision of the German Parliament,  and was recognised by the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
RENAC offers further education courses and training on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. The seminars are held in Germany and throughout the world in German or English. The courses focus on the full renewable energy value chain and address both technical and non-technical issues. A well equipped training centre in Berlin provides practical, hands-on training in photovoltaics, solar thermal, wind energy and energy efficiency. It can also be taken on the road.


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