

The project has led to the creation of 300 direct and indirect new jobs. (Image source: AfDB)

The African Development Bank-funded Mzuzu-Nkhata Bay road is one of Malawi’s safest roads, according to the project’s completion report

B2Gold is helping the government to mitigate COVID-19-related challenges and impact on the mining sector. (Image source: RitaE/Pixabay)

B2Golds mining operations at its Fekola Mine in Mali have not been affected and the company continues mining and milling operations as normal, stated the company in a release

The entire Twin Hills area is covered by calcrete and windblown sand, stated the company. (Image source: possumgirl2/Flickr)

Osino Resources Corp, Canadian gold exploration company, has completed the induced polarisation (IP) survey over the Twin Hills Gold Project in Namibia covering a total of 16 sq km

Integrating social, environmental, local, economic and technical considerations in the mining sector are in focus. (Image source: Pexels/Pixabay)

The Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management has strengthened current practices in the mining industry by integrating social, environmental, local economic and technical considerations

The villagers will now be able to smoothly carry out their economic and social activities through a sure road. (Image source: Steve Buissinne/Pixabay)

The South West Development Authority (SOWEDA) has linked Bokwaongo, Bwassa, Likombe, Mapanja and Bonjongo villages in the Buea Council area with a rehabilitated earth road

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