

The factory is set to boost demand and supply gap. (Image source: whyframeshot/Adobe Stock)

Prime Cement has inaugurated an US$40mn factory in Musanze, in the northern province in Rwanda, to boost commercial production of cement and bridge the cement supply gap

The company is set to boost mining infrastructure in the country. (Image source: hangela/Pixabay)

Trevali Mining Corporation has announced positive pre-feasibility study (PFS) result at its 90%-owned Rosh Pinah mine in Namibia

The consideration payable for the purchase is estimated at between US$22mn and US$27mn. (Image source: Tom Fisk/Pexels)

AngloGold Ashanti and Barrick Gold have agreed to sell their effective 80 per cent stake in the Morila Gold Mine in Mali to Mali Lithium

Successful pilot used digital IoT technologies and wearable sensors to monitor crew proximity to heavy machinery. (Image source: kees torn/Flickr)

Orange Business Services and De Beers Marine South Africa, a diamond company of De Beers, have installed and tested a customised IoT solution to provide geofencing to maintain safe working distances for crew members around heavy machinery involved in marine diamond mining

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