
Water & Environment

Project Hummingbird is expected to begin in October 2024. (Image source: Octavia Carbon)

Octavia Carbon, a direct air capture (DAC) and storage plant company, and Cella Mineral Storage, a carbon mineralisation company, have agreed to build a pilot DAC facility in Naivasha, Kenya

WEC will continue to operate the system with the Water Research Commission until April 2024. (Image source: WEC Projects)

WEC Projects, an EPC water and wastewater treatment solutions provider, has completed the installation of a NEWgenerator at Khanyisani Primary School in Lubunde, South Africa, marking the first commercial installation of the system in the country 

Workers from SETRA building the foundations for one of the four water tower projects. (Image source: Vergnet Hydro)

Chad’s Ministry of Economy, Development Planning and International Cooperation has awarded a contract for the supply and installation of four drinking water supply systems (DWS) to a consortium made up of Vergnet Hydro and Setra

GEHO pumps are capable of extracting water from deep mines in dewatering applications. (Image Source: Weir Minerals Africa)

The technical advancement of Weir Minerals’ GEHO positive displacement pumps has ensured they play a key role in reducing mines’ environmental footprint 

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