
Water & Environment

A2500 is CDE’s largest and most advanced water management system. (Image source: CDE)

CDE, a leading supplier of wet processing solutions for the natural processing and waste recycling sectors, has revealed its new AquaCycle A2500 thickener, the latest addition to its top-of-the-line water management and recycling systems

This public-private partnership leverages the skills and know-how of the public and private sectors to improve access to water for the communities affected by the humanitarian crisis in the North East. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Eni, through its Nigerian subsidiaries Nigerian Agip Exploration (NAE) and Agip Energy & Natural Resources (AENR), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have commissioned 11 water schemes in Borno and Yobe States, northeast Nigeria

Industrial water cycles will be a central topic at IFAT Munich 2022. (Image source: IFAT Munich)

Water scarcity is one of the factors that will make industrial processes with minimal or even zero liquid discharge (ZLD) even more interesting in the future and, according to IFAT Munich production, without discharging wastewater is no longer a vision of the future

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