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money4glass initiative to empower glass recycling in South Africa

AGP-South Africa hopes the initiative will make glass recycling financially viable across the country. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Ardagh Glass Packaging-South Africa (AGP-South Africa) has launched a new initiative that uses BanQu’s web-based technology to empower the effectiveness of the glass recycling (cullet) supply chain within the company

Thomas Shaw, supply chain executive of Ardagh Glass Packaging–Africa, explained, “This technology will enable us to identify traders, better understand the footprint of cullet recycling activity in the country and monitor the volumes of cullet traded in the different regions. Importantly, it will also allow us to make glass recycling financially viable across the width and breadth of the country through the application of targeted incentives and to ensure that payments and incentives can quickly and efficiently reach all recyclers, but particularly the informal recyclers who are at the start of the recycling process.”

The BanQu technology will help AGP-South Africa to collate data for use in EPR Plan audits as well as B-BBEE audits while also reducing risk of fraud. The platform is accessible on Internet-enabled devices and records transactions between registered buyers and sellers at all levels, creating a formalised and transparent trading platform. 

Benefits to traders include allowing transactions anywhere and anytime with electronic records and bookkeeping replacing manual systems. Instant cashless transactions reduce the risk around cash payments, in an effort to improve trust and enable applicable subsidies and incentives for quick payment.  

Aradgh will benefit from a growing network of connected recycling enterprises and entrepreneurs in addition to real-time reporting and tracking across buying and processing sites; easily manageable chain data; and enhanced BBE procurement scores. The platform will also empower downstream recycling value chain players through visibility and increase bankability.

“Sustainability is a core focus for Ardagh, and we are acutely aware how important it is to drive increased recycling. We are confident that this initiative is going to take glass recycling to a new level in South Africa,” remarked Paul Curnow, CEO of Ardagh Glass Packaging–Africa.

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