
Water & Environment

‘The project should help its hydropower plants run at a higher capacity and reinstate a more stable water supply’ (Image Source: krungchingpixs/Shutterstock)

The government of Zambia plans to harvest water and tap into the precious resources more efficiently as the irregular rainfall leaves the country’s reservoirs running low

France is keen to develop clean energy projects such as solar, wind and hydro in Africa. (Image source: GiselaGiardino/Flickr)

France has revealed its plans to spend “billions of euros” on renewable energy and environmental projects in Africa over the next five years 

Piped fresh water is a boon for villagers in the arid region. (Image source: mhobl/Flickr)

Villages in the Moroccan highlands along the coast have access to clean water flowing through taps, thanks to a technology that helps turn fog into freshwater

Metito’s involvement in the four municipal water projects is worth a combined US$29mn. (Image source: Peter Craven/Flickr)

UAE water firm Metito has announced its participation in four municipal water projects in Egypt

The proposed site of construction of the water plant, on the banks of the River Nyabarongo, Kigali. (Image source: Metito)

Intelligent water solutions provider Metito has signed a US$75mn public-private partnership (PPP) agreement with the Rwandan government to develop a bulk water supply plant in Kigali

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