
Metito signs US$75mn deal to develop water supply plant in Rwanda

The proposed site of construction of the water plant, on the banks of the River Nyabarongo, Kigali. (Image source: Metito)

Intelligent water solutions provider Metito has signed a US$75mn public-private partnership (PPP) agreement with the Rwandan government to develop a bulk water supply plant in Kigali

The deal will cover 40 per cent of the country’s potable water requirements, said Metito officials.

Rwanda’s Minister of State (MoS) for energy, water and sanitation Germaine Kamayirese, said, “Rwanda is undergoing massive economic development and its imperative that we have the infrastructure that can support the country’s ambitions. The implementation of this project is part of the Vision 2020 plan to keeping up with increased demand for clean water, while improving its quality.”

The plant will take around two years to construct and located in Kanzenze, southeastern Kigali. On completion, the plant will supply 40,000 cu/m per day of treated groundwater, which will be extracted from the south bank of the Nyabarongo River. It will supplement existing water supplies and meet Kigali’s growing water demands.

Through the 27-year PPP arrangement, Metito will be responsible for financing, designing, constructing, operating and maintaining the treatment plant, as well as forwarding infrastructure, including transmission pipelines to three storage reservoirs of 7,500 cu/m, 5,000 cu/m and 7,500 cu/m.

According to government officials, the water concession contract is the largest in terms of capacity and value in sub-Saharan Africa, outside South Africa.

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