
Water & Environment

The Sahel forest in Mali. (Image source: NOAA, US Gov, Unidentified/Commons)

Scientists from participating countries – Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo – were trained by the Agency to carry out a detailed examination of groundwater using nuclear-based techniques 

An example of desalination plant in Wonthaggi on the Little Powlett River. (Image source: Peter Campbell/Commons)

Aziena Generale Italiana Petroli (Agip) has signed a deal worth Sh20mn, to construct a desalination plant in Lamu County, Kenya

SA launch mine atlas as part of World Water Day. (Image source: ronymichaud/pixabay)

The launch of the mine water atlas took place in Durban as part of World Water Day and coincided with the launch of the United Nations World Water Development report 

Gary Devries from YW at Foxbridge Depot with Manaye Siyoum, Head of WASH WaterAid Ethiopia (nearest camera) Zealelem Assefa, Utility Manager Debre Tabor Water Utility. (Image source: Mediaworks)

Representatives from WaterAid Ethiopia and Debre Tabor Water Utility visited Yorkshire Water in the UK to find out how it supplies good quality drinking water and treats wastewater

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