
WaterAid and Debre Tabor Water Utility visit UK to experience wastewater treatment

Gary Devries from YW at Foxbridge Depot with Manaye Siyoum, Head of WASH WaterAid Ethiopia (nearest camera) Zealelem Assefa, Utility Manager Debre Tabor Water Utility. (Image source: Mediaworks)

Representatives from WaterAid Ethiopia and Debre Tabor Water Utility visited Yorkshire Water in the UK to find out how it supplies good quality drinking water and treats wastewater

Manaye Siyoum, head of water, sanitation and hygiene at WaterAid Ethiopia and Zelalem Assefra from Debre Tabor Water Utility in Ethiopia went to Yorkshire Water's clean and waste water treatment works, small community treatment facilities and pumping stations while examining processes that they can apply to operations in Ethiopia, such as protecting the quality of groundwater borehole sources.

Nearly half the population in Ethiopia, 42 million people, does not have access to safe water. Most people in the country make a living through farming and without water, they can’t grow the crops they need to feed and support their families

Siyoum said, "The visit to Yorkshire Water was wonderful. They were open to sharing their knowledge and committed to working with WaterAid to making a lasting difference to the people of Ethiopia. We have learned so much and will be looking at how we can develop this learning for utilities in Ethiopia.” 

“The partnership with Yorkshire Water exceeds our expectations, there is no limit to what we can accomplish together to realise our common vision of seeing everyone everywhere with water, sanitation and hygiene education.” 

The visit was part of Yorkshire Water’s unique ‘Big Wish for Ethiopia’ campaign that brings together awareness and skills sharing activities for charity WaterAid. 

WaterAid is an international organisation whose mission is to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised people by improving access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene.

Yorkshire Water was one of the founding members of WaterAid, which was set up in 1981. 

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