
Information Security

IFSEC South Africa 2011 claims to be a must-see show for any security professional operating in South Africa’s ever-changing business environment.

p>IFSEC South Africa 2011 claims to be a must-see show for any security professional operating in South Africa’s ever-changing business environment.

Closing ICANN’s 37th International meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, ICANN’s Board of Directors adopted a pioneering package including an extensive database of trademarks for their protections on the Internet.

p>Closing ICANN’s 37th International meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, ICANN’s Board of Directors adopted a pioneering package including an extensive database of trademarks for their protections on the Internet.

id Quantiques encryption products have attained Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 4 augmented with ALC_FLR.2 (EAL4+).

p>id Quantiques encryption products have attained Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 4 augmented with ALC_FLR.2 (EAL4+).

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