
Information Security

In the nearly 10 years since the revolutionary BlackBerry first hit the market, the use of mobile devices (smart phones) in the corporate environment has skyrocketed, and the transition from a deskbound to a mobile workforce appeared to occur almost seamlessly.

TippingPoint, a division of 3Com offering network security solutions, has announced significant market growth in the Middle East in 2009.ippingPoint, a division of 3Com offering network security solutions, has announced significant market growth in the Middle East in 2009.

The Information Communication Technology (ICT) security threat landscape has gone through significant changes in the last few years, which in turn have altered the distribution profile for new malware.  In stark contrast to the past, where typically one strain would infect millions of machines, today the opposite is taking place; millions of malware strains are each targeting only a handful of machines which in turn makes fighting them more complex.

G4S will employ more than 300 special security personnel at the port in Morocco for implementation of the project. (Image source:

Security solutions provider G4S has signed a contract with the Tangier Med Port Authority and Tangier Med Special Agency to deliver a range of integrated security solutions at the Tangier Med Port

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