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More than 2,000 visitors are expected to attend aef 2023. (Image source: aef)

After fostering a reputation as one of the most significant gatherings of decision-makers in African energy over the last 24 years, Africa Energy Forum (aef) will celebrate its 25th anniversary this week by hosting on mainland Africa for the first time

Grupel’s vision for the continent is to act as a key supplier of reliable energy solutions. (Image source: Grupel)

Keeping up with its culture of proximity to customers and markets, Grupel, a manufacturer and seller of gensets and electric engineering projects, is expected to attend two important upcoming events in Africa: Africa Energy Forum (running from 20-23 June in Nairobi, Kenya) and FILDA (arriving in Luanda, Angola, from 18-22 July)

The YES! programme has a goal of reaching 100 million people across the continent in the next ten years. (Image source: EnergyNet)

EnergyNet has announced that the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) has joined the Youth Energy Summit (YES!) as its first foundational partner

Attendees will receive a unique learning experience to ensure their projects utilise the most advanced technologies for sustained concrete performance. (Image source: Alain Charles Publishing)

On 13 June 2023 at 2PM (EAT), distinguished experts from Convergent Group will present a free-to-join webinar exploring innovative technologies for effective, long-lasting concrete treatments

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