
Eskom is hoping to recover 6,000MW in its fleet in the next two years. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

At Enlit Africa, running from 16-18 May, acting group chief executive of South Africa’s Eskom, Calib Cassim, stated the power company’s executive management has agreed to assist generation to minimise the impact of loadshedding for the coming winter

High-profile VIPs will deliver keynote addresses across the event. (Image source: Enlit Africa)

With May functioning as South Africa’s National Energy Month, from 16-18 May at Cape Town’s International Conference Centre, speakers at the Enlit Africa conference will ignite conversations between delegates, and innovators will unveil solutions to the energy crisis in the country and elsewhere on the continent 

Across the two days, more than 30 expert speakers will explore key topics around digitalisation in construction. (Image source: ACP)

The MENA Construction 4.0 Forum is arriving in Dubai from 24-25 May to highlight how embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution is paramount for the advancement of the construction industry

SRK has been working with clients in the DRC to move beyond just complying with legal regulations. (Image source: SRK Consulting)

SRK Consulting will be sponsoring and participating at this year’s DRC Mining Week, running from 14-16 June in Lubumbashi, which promises to be the unparalleled meeting place for mining stakeholders and influential decision makers in the DRC and the Copperbelt

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