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Power Generation

Ghana faces several power deficits amounting to nearly 250MW, which escalate during maintenance periods and grid breakdowns. (Image source: Sanjit Bakshi/Flickr)

Nigerian conglomerate Sahara Group is set to build a 2,000MW thermal plant in Ghana in a bid to boost the country’s generation capacity

The summit will address the various issues pertaining to sustainable power generation in Africa, including scope for financial assistance. (Image source: Hopeabrams/Flickr)

The Powering Africa: Summit is scheduled to be held in Washington from 28-30 January 2015, with attendance from delegates belonging to over 12 African nations and various public/private sector companies from the US

Anglo American Inyosi Coal will provide coal to Eskom, to help the company generate electricity in South Africa. (Image source: Joey Gannon/Flickr)

South African power utility Eskom has signed an MoU with Anglo American Inyosi Coal for the supply of coal to the Kusile power station

The Ghanaian government expects US$120mn of gas investment from the private sector of the country. (Image source: World Bank/Flickr)

Ghana has unveiled its plans to increase electricity generation from 2,500MW to about 7,000MW by 2016 in order to export to Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire

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