
Ghana electricity generation to increase almost threefold by 2016

The Ghanaian government expects US$120mn of gas investment from the private sector of the country. (Image source: World Bank/Flickr)

Ghana has unveiled its plans to increase electricity generation from 2,500MW to about 7,000MW by 2016 in order to export to Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire

Thomas Akabzaa, chief director of Ghana Ministry of Energy, said that the government had made huge investments in power generation that would enable the country to export excess electricity to Nigeria and other neighbouring countries.

“We have given priority to electricity generation in our country. We have prioritised energy in such a way that we want to become the hub for power production in West Africa. We want to generate electricity to the point that excess power can be exported to Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire and other countries that have power deficit,” Akabzaa added.

The Ministry disclosed that the country has secured export-import financing from China as well as funds from the UAE to commence series of power generation projects.

“We are looking at a situation where we will be able to export our excess electricity to Nigeria as it still trying to fix the power sector. As electricity supply in Nigeria improves, there may be need for the two countries to engage in exchange of energy. This means that Nigeria will be able to supply energy to Ghana when there is drop in generation and Ghana will also be able to supply electricity to Nigeria whenever there is drop in generation,” the energy minister noted.

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