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The housing project is in line with the Kenyan government’s plan to create affordable and decent housing in the country. (Image source: marc falardeau/Flickr)

Kenyas National Housing Corporation (NHC) has announced plans to roll-out a 10,000 housing unit project throughout the country

The roads projects will include the construction of a network of major international trunk roads as well as inter-state roads. (Image source: antheap/Flickr)

South Sudans government has prioritised the construction of several roads and bridges in the country in the wake of increasing trade talks with its neighbouring countries

The East African Community seeks to improve regional transport infrastructure to support economic and social development. (Image source: Moyan_Brenn/Flickr)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved two loans totalling US$232.5mn for a 157.5km road project that will stretch from Arusha to Holili in Tanzania and Taveta to Voi in Kenya

AfriSam has faced significant debt problems, having defaulted by billions of rand in 2011. (Image source: Afrisam)

Investment holding company Pembani Group has become the controlling shareholder of South Africa’s second-biggest cement producer AfriSam by way of a debt restructuring process

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