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The International Housing Solutions Fund II aims to address the need for housing across the African continent and the lack of affordable housing. (Image source: marc falardeau/Flickr)

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has invested more than US$63mn in a housing solutions fund for the support and development of affordable housing in South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa

The Algeria contract is expected to strengthen DSI’s position in the Middle East and North Africa region. (Image source: Drake&Scull)

Drake & Scull Construction has been awarded a construction contract worth US$349mm to develop a turnkey mix-use development project in Algeria

UNRA has been allocated a US$800mm budget for 2013-14 to start a road development programme in Uganda. (Image source: YoTuT)

The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) has announced it will begin a road development programme in Uganda within the next five years

No timelines or any estimate on the cement factory’s capacity has been revealed. (Image source:

Owner of Dangote Group Aliko Dangote has revealed plans to invest US$400mn in a cement plant in Kenya

A second acid plant is being constructed at Mopani Copper Mines in Kitwe, Zambia. (Image source: photosmith2011)

A second acid plant is currently being built at Mopani Copper Mines (MCM) in Kitwe, Zambia with at least 60 per cent of construction work already completed

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