

The Nyumba Cement project is expected to boost DR Congos cement industry. (Image source: Russavia/WikimediaCommons)

DR Congo’s Nyumba Ya Akiba Cement project has been awarded a loan of US$135mn to boost the cement market in the country

The 18 km long carriageway will be built by Murray & Roberts. (Image source: AlandMarie/Flickr)

South African construction company Murray & Roberts has been awarded a 22-month contract by Trans African Concessions (TRAC) to upgrade the 570 km-long N4 toll road connecting South Africa and Mozambique

Despite several financial troubles, South Africas construction industry has grown stronger in the past three years. (Image source: DamienDuToit/Flickr)

Professional network services provider PwC has released a report which states that South Africa’s construction industry is growing stronger and“looks poised” to support the country’s infrastructure development

ARM Cement is planning to expand in East Africa extensively. (Image source: UNICEF/Flickr)

East African cement maker ARM Cement has announced an increase in investments across the region as the demand for cement continues to rise

More than 70 per cent of the Nigerian roads are in bad condition due to inadequate financing from the government. (Image source: CIFOR/Flickr)

The Delta State government has announced that it will invest US$36.13mn to construct rural roads in the Nigerian state

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