
Western Cape’s social housing project set to be handed over

More than 2,900 units in Belhar social housing project on track for the residents. (Image source: Wojtek Gurak/Flickr)

The Belhar Social Housing Project in the Western Cape is set to be completed soon, focusing on to providing affordable housing opportunities in the residents across Cape Town

The units of the housing project consist of one and two-bedroomed flats, with additional features like installations to improve energy-efficiency and water consumption.

In addition, the housing units include infrastructure for people with disabilities, DSTV connections for digital satellite television services and security installations.

Commencing in 2015, the first phase of the Belhar social housing project includes construction of 629 units worth US$15.95mn.

Hitherto, around 336 units of total housing project have been handed over to the qualifying and identified residents.

The urban development authority has confirmed that the remaining 293 units will be handed over by the end of June 2017.

Commenting on the project, Maseko Matlhodi, MPP and DA western Cape spokesman on human settlements, said, “The provincial Department of Human Settlements is implementing the better living model as part of this project, which aims to address the past spatial planning of certain citizens to the outskirts of the city who remain far removed from employment opportunities to this day.”

According to him, the Belhar social housing project is aimed to create housing opportunities for residents that are close to their work place.

He further added, “It also demonstrates how the Western Cape is not merely building houses, but communities, where it showcases diversity in the Western Cape Province.”

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