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Afrisam to introduce dust management technique at Ulco factory

The Ulco factory will soon have the Energy Minimising Concept (EMC) technology for its new dust collection bag house. (Image source: Afrisam)

AfriSam will commission an upgrade to its Ulco cement factory in South Africa in Q4 2013, which will see the inclusion of a new technique for better dust control at the facility

The factory, located in the Northern Cape province, will be given the Energy Minimising Concept (EMC) technology imported from Scheuch in Austria for a new dust collection bag house.

A statement from Afrisam claimed that on recognising the need to bring the 77-year-old factory into line with best global practices, AfriSam consulted with the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism to develop a plan to ensure minimum emissions from the production process.

The bag house will represent a state-of-the-art facility recognised internationally, with the additional benefit of reducing power consumption and providing good bag service life by minimising stress on the bags. The company said that this facility will be a major advance on conventional bag life and will translate into significant cost savings.

The Scheuch bag filter system will deliver a guaranteed emission below 10 mg/Nm3 (normal cubic metre) and that all transfer points remain equipped with dust collectors to ensure that dust is fully contained.

Afrisam said that in addition to bringing the factory into compliance with the latest environmental standards, this new system will significantly improve its performance, allowing the Ulco factory to increase production capacity.


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