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SADC Gateway Port project gathers steam

The port will be located between Bird Island and Kuisebmond in Walvis Bay. (Image source:

Namibia Ports Authority (Namport) has decided to fast-track the construction of the SADC Gateway Port in the wake of the possibility that Botswana will start to export coal to Asia

Construction will take place on 1,330 hectares of land between Bird Island and Kuisebmond in Walvis Bay. It is expected to serve as the gateway port to the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) land-locked countries.

Construction will be conducted in several phases with the first phase including the building of tanker berth and fuel storage facility.

Namport chief executive officer Bisey Uirab said, “The SADC Gateway Port is soon becoming a reality. The tender of the port expansion will be awarded next month and construction is expected to start in December this year.

“The realities and demands of our neighbours have pushed us to fast-track the northern port. The anticipated coal transportation from Botswana to Asia, which will be done via the port of Walvis Bay, is one of the main reasons why we have to be ready for this huge development.”

Uirab indicated that the government has already agreed to back up the financing of the construction of the new port.

Uirab said, “Our competition is all over the world since the services we offer can also be offered from ports elsewhere. Thus, we need to constantly re-invent ourselves to guarantee efficiency and customer satisfaction.”

According to the port engineer, Elzevir Gelderbloem, the new SADC Gateway Port will contain a ship and rig repair yard and an oil and gas supply base. A huge undercover dry bulk terminal, car import terminal, passenger terminals and a container terminal are also being planned.



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