Could melting icebergs be part of the solution to avoiding Day Zero in 2019. (Image source: Resolve Marine)
Capturing melting icebergs off Antarctica to overcome drought in southern Africa is taking a step closer to reality
Could melting icebergs be part of the solution to avoiding Day Zero in 2019. (Image source: Resolve Marine)
Capturing melting icebergs off Antarctica to overcome drought in southern Africa is taking a step closer to reality
South Africa is set to take a number of water efficiency measures. (Image source: Julien Harneis/Flickr)
South African Department of Tourism has announced the addition of support for water efficiency measures in the hospitality industry to the third window application period of the Green Tourism Incentive Programme (GTIP), from 1 September to 30 November 2018
AfDB takes initiative to develop Zambia’s water and agriculture infrastructure. (Image source: World Bank Photo Collection/Flickr)
An African Development Bank (AfDB) team of experts, led by Martin Fregene, director of agricultural infrastructure and Wambui Gichuri, director of water development and sanitation, visited Zambia from 23-27 July to identify businesses in the nation’s water and agriculture sectors and explore new financing opportunities for the country’s development
USAID’s water project will provide access for safe drinking water to about 21mn people across Africa. (Image source: Linda De Volder/ Flickr)
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced a US$32.4mn five-year project, ‘Resilient Waters,’ to address severe water challenges facing the Limpopo River Basin and Okavango River Basin communities
African need investment to boost infrastructure in drinking water and sanitation. (Image source: Oxfam International/Flickr)
The Global Infrastructure Hub, a G20 initiative, has revealed an urgent need for infrastructure investment in 10 Compact with Africa countries and highlights that reforms are required to encourage greater investment