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Japan, Sudan amend grant for water treatment plant

The plant is expected to provide clean water to around 380,000 people by 2024. (Image source: Rita Willaert/Flickr)

The governments of Japan and Sudan signed the amendment of the grant assistance for a water treatment plant in Kosti City

The amendment will raise the capacity of the existing plant. The new treatment plant will provide approximately 23,700m3 of water per day.

The project will be completed in 2021 and is expected to provide clean water to around 380,000 people by 2024.

The amendment was signed by Shinji Urabayashi, the Ambassador of Japan and Idriss Suleiman Yousif, Sudan's Minister of International Cooperation.

The signing ceremony was attended by, Abul-Gasim Al Amin Baraka, Governor of White Nile State and Makato Takahishi, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Chief Representative.

“Japan has a long history of cooperation in the water sector in Sudan. Since the 1980s, Japan has implemented many projects such as cooperation for Kassala water treatment plants, improvement of Omdurman water supply, and the establishment of Khartoum sewer network. I sincerely hope that this project would help cover the safe water needs of the people of Kosti in White Nile State,” Urabayashi said.

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