
AfDB grants US$62mn loan for water and sanitation project in Uganda

The project aim to increase access to clean water and sanitation services in the major urban centres and their suburbs to 100 per cent by 2030. (Image source: Gena/Adobe Stock)

In a bid to help Uganda improve health and productivity across cities, the African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a US$62mn concessional loan to finance its Strategic Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Project (STWSSP)

The project, to be implemented in 10 towns spread across the country over a five-year period, is designed to enable the government to achieve sustainable provision of safe water and sanitation for the urban population by 2030, to improve health and productivity in the targeted towns.

Rapid urbanisation spurred by economic growth is exerting pressure on Uganda’s water resources and sanitation facilities. Demand for urban services by far outstrips supply due to high urban population growth currently at 5.4 per cent, and inadequate investments in urban infrastructure and services. For example, the lack of sewered management facilities has led to discharge of untreated effluents creating health hazards likcholeraas, especially the in informal settlement in main urban centres.

The STWSSP will help to tackle these challenges through its three components:

– Urban Water Supply for the development of water supply systems for the selected towns/districts and support regional water and sanitation authorities for effective utility management.

– Improved Urban Sanitation and Environmental Management for the development of three regional faecal sludge treatment facilities supported by six desludging units, construction of 40 gender-segregated and disabled-friendly public sanitation facilities and feasibility designs for climate change resilience.

– Sector Programme Support for the regulatory framework and update of tariff policy, preparation of a framework for implementation of bulk water supply and strengthening sector co-ordination and monitoring systems.

On completion, the project is expected to provide access to water and sanitation to 390,000 people by 2023.

About 150 people will receive training in appropriate urban sanitation, targeting at least 20 per cent women. Sanitation and hygiene sensitisation will be conducted in 30 communities and support skills development for economic empowerment of 200 youth and women.

The STWSSP is estimated to cost US$69.34mn, of which African Development Fund (ADF) will provide US$62.33mn and US$6.94mn counterpart contribution from the government of Uganda.

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