South Africas purchasing managers index (PMI), which is used to gauge manufacturing sector activity, fell to a three-year low in September
South Africas purchasing managers index (PMI), which is used to gauge manufacturing sector activity, fell to a three-year low in September
The tobacco industry may have created jobs but controlling the sale and distribution of tobacco needs to be administered under individual country laws, according to KAM chief executive officer, Betty Maina (Image source: Traumrune)
The Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) has spoken out against the full implementation of the World Health Organisations tobacco control recommendations in the region
Ghana will use the fund for arranging logistics and purchasing machinery to beef up the existing waste management facilities. (Image source: PetroleumJelliffe/Flickr)
The Dutch government has approved a US$130mn grant to support the implementation of a waste management programme in Ghana
Abengoa, an international company that supplies technology solutions for sustainable development in the energy and environment sectors, has begun construction on the Nungua desalination plant in Ghana
The launch of the Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme (MCEP) has caused the manufacturing sector in South Africa to boom, according to the countrys trade and industry minister Rob Davies