

African countries have been embracing the “green growth” path to address their economic, environment and social challenges. (Image source: Accretion Disc/Flickr)

The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (Sefa) has approved its first grant of US$825,000 to finance green technology projects

The company said it will invest in Nigerian real estate, leisure and services with football at its hub. (Image source: Orin Zebest/Flickr)

UK-based real estate developer, Scarborough United Group Plc (SUGPlc), has announced it will invest US$500mn in the Nigerian market

KapdiTwala managing partner Noor Kapdi (right). (Image source: www.kapditwala.com)

Legal service provider SNR Denton has entered an alliance with Cape Town-based law firm KapdiTwala, its second South African tie-in

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