

AfCFTA will provide seamless trade, travel and transport and a single African passport for all African Union member nations. (Image source: Imperial)

Imperial has launched a feature that delves into the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) and its goal of seamless trade, travel and transport and a single African passport for all African Union member nations

One of the major milestones of 2021 was the launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Oxford Business Group (OBG) have released a review of 2021 for Africa noting that while the continent saw growth across the year, its recovery remains fragile

The pandemic will be a deciding factor in the region’s economic fortunes. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Southern Africa is set for an economic rebound in 2021 and 2022, provided the COVID-19 pandemic tapers off, according to African Development Bank (AfDB)

Membership and partnership in the Lusophone Compact is open to AfDB Portuguese-speaking member countries. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) and IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, on 2 December signed a partnership agreement admitting IFC as the first institutional partner to the Development Finance Compact for Portuguese-Speaking Countries of Africa, or the Lusophone Compact

Tanzanias GDP last year grew by 4.8%. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The Tanzania economy is poised to grow steadily to reach 8% in five years, which hinges on increased positive utilisation of resources and growth in productivity

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