

SEZs can enable African countries to overcome binding constraints to being competitive in Africa. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

To achieve economic diversification in Africa while benefiting its development partners, external players must adjust their interface with the continent based on the creation of shared value and the promotion of measures beyond profit maximisation

Southern Africa is a region naturally endowed with natural resources and presents unique investment opportunities. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

At the Southern Africa CXO Roundtable a panel of business leaders and financial experts discussed how the region is ripe for investment and that British Virgin Islands (BVI) corporate structures present a tremendous opportunity to facilitate investment and scale businesses

Botswana is at very low risk of debt distress and has a positive medium-term growth outlook. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a US$137mn loan to support Botswana’s economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic

The adaptation and mitigation measures needed to counter climate change demand large upfront capital investments, which invariably poses a challenge for developing countries. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) has partnered with Invest Africa to generate sustainable finance solutions for the continent during the Africa Debate 2021

The meeting aimed to explore opportunities for commercial and economic cooperation between the UAE and the DRC. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Christophe Lutumdula Apala Pen’Apala, deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has highlighted his country’s keenness to learn from the UAE’s economic model

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