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While the developed world still faces years of economic stagnation and further deleveraging and mainstream emerging markets are seeing growth slowdown, many African countries are witnessing an economic renaissance, writes Moin Siddiqi

African private equity performed in line with or ahead of Asian and Latin American private equity during the 10-year periods ending in 2010 and 2008. (Image source: Andres de Wet)

A new index of institutional-quality private equity funds in Africa posted an 11.2 per cent annualised return for the 10 years ending September 30, 2012

Mercers 2013 cost of living survey found that Angola is the costliest location for expatriates to live in. (Image source: oneVillage Initiative)

Mercer’s 2013 cost of living survey revealed that Luanda, Angola, is the most expensive city for expatriates to live in

The private sector across the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) is set for a major boost following the signing of a development agreement between the regional economic community and the African Management Services Company (AMSCO)

Just two international companies have dominated Africa’s remittance market, but that is changing and changing fast, writes Stephen Williams

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