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The two parks will have an installed capacity of 285MW. (Image source: MCA)

MCA has constructed two photovoltaic parks in Biópio and Baía Farta, in Benguela province, Angola, with an installed capacity of 285MW

AMEA Power has renewable energy projects in operation and late stage developments in more than 15 countries. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

AMEA Power, a leading renewable energy company, and partner GPM Holding have started construction of a 34MW solar power plant in Morocco

The Just Energy Office was established to provide energy security and mobilising funds into renewable energy projects. (Image source: Synergy Consulting)

In 2021, the Just Energy Transition Partnership was formed between South Africa, the UK, EU, France, Germany and the US at COP26, which saw member nations pledge contributions of US$8.5bn to be deployed over the next three to five years for the transition from fossil-based energy to renewable energy and help South Africa in its decarbonisation efforts

MIGA will support JCM in manufacturing the plant, which includes a battery energy storage system. (Image Source: MIGA)

MIGA has issued guarantees of US$24mn to JCM Golomoti UK Limited for equity and shareholder loan investments into Golomoti JCM Solar Corporation Limited for the development, construction and operation of a new 20MW solar photovoltaic plant in Malawi

There are already a number of successful biogas projects on the continent. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Gamuchirai Mutezo, COO and founder, Madam Waste, expressed to African Review how biogas could seriously contribute to meeting Africa’s energy needs but, so far, is not getting the attention it deserves

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