The Ndola Energy Company in Zambia has completed the installation of step-up transformers ready for the start of electricity generation in April 2013
Power Generation
Aggreko to provide power in Mozambique and Namibia
Energy supplier Aggreko has signed a US$200mn deal with Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) and NamPower to provide 122MW of gas fuelled-power in Mozambique during the next two years
APR Energy to help Libya in rebuilding its power infrastructure
Power company APR Energy has announced that it has signed a contract with Libya to provide a full turnkey 250MW power plant that will act as a back up power supplier to Libya as the country rebuilds its power infrastructure
Chinese firm begins work on 400MW power plant in Zimbabwe
China-Africa Sunlight Energy (CASE), a coal and methane gas mining company in Zimbabwes Matabelend North province, has begun work on a 400MW power plant
AfDB offers Malawi US$3 million for power project feasibility studies
The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group has approved a grant amounting to US$3.04mn to finance feasibility studies on the Kholombidzo Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in Malawi