
Power Generation

Ndola Energy will generate electricity which will be connected to the national electricity grid via Zesco Skyways sub-station. (Image source: Ricardo Diaz/Flickr)

The Ndola Energy Company in Zambia has completed the installation of step-up transformers ready for the start of electricity generation in April 2013

Energy supplier Aggreko has signed a US$200mn deal with Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) and NamPower to provide 122MW of gas fuelled-power in Mozambique during the next two years

APR Energy’s contracted solution in Libya will comprise four sites, stretching from the northern to the southern end of the country. (Image source: sxc.hu)

Power company APR Energy has announced that it has signed a contract with Libya to provide a full turnkey 250MW power plant that will act as a back up power supplier to Libya as the country rebuilds its power infrastructure

The African Development Fund is contributing to facilitating investment in electricity generation needed to support Malawis economic growth. (Image source: Oran Viriyincy/Flickr)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group has approved a grant amounting to US$3.04mn to finance feasibility studies on the Kholombidzo Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in Malawi

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