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Zambian power company to establish hydro power project

LPC will soon start carrying out a feasibility study for a possible development of a hydropower scheme on the Lufubu River. (Image source: PSNH/Flickr)

Lufubu Power Company (LPC) in Zambia will establish a hydro power project in the countrys Northern Province, which will be expected to help mitigate the Zambias current power deficit

LPC will soon start carrying out a feasibility study for a possible development of a hydropower scheme on the Lufubu River in the region.

The company recently joined the Zambian market as an independent power producer and is expected to have a generation infrastructure and the associated connecting transmission lines to the national grid.

The project will be on the 20km Lufubu River, which flows into Lake Tanganyika and has a catchment area of 10,000 sq km.

The company will soon engage a consultant who will undertake a bankable technical feasibility study as well as carry out a detailed project design.

The consultant will be expected to carry out procurement management duties and construction supervision for the development of the scheme.

A maximum of six consultants will be shortlisted on the quality based selection.

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