
Angola to 'increase power production five-fold by 2017'

Image source: Wikimedia Commons/USAID.

The Angolan government has announced plans to invest US$17.7mn (AKZ1.7bn) and quintuple the countrys power production capacity by 2017

"We have an ambitious investment plan that will enable us to increase by five times the current capacity by 2017. It is our commitment", João Baptista Borges, Angola's minister of energy and water, was quoted as saying by the Angola Press Agency.

The minister added that the ministry increased power capacity from 700MW in 2002 to 1,200MW in 2012 and aims to increase it to 6,200MW in 2017.

Borges said that Angola needed 200MW and that Luanda accounted for 70 to 75 per cent of energy consumption. He listed Benguela, Huambo, Lubango and Cabinda as other centres of high energy consumption.

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