
Power Generation

The African Development Fund is contributing to facilitating investment in electricity generation needed to support Malawis economic growth. (Image source: Oran Viriyincy/Flickr)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group has approved a grant amounting to US$3.04mn to finance feasibility studies on the Kholombidzo Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in Malawi

Use of geothermal power is part of Kenya’s strategy of diversifying the power generation mix for security of supply and reducing cost of electricity. (Image source: sxc.hu)

The Kenya Power and Lighting Company (Kenya Power) has signed a power purchase agreement with Africa Geothermal International Kenya (AGIL) to establish a 140MW geothermal project in Longonot, Kenya

LPC will soon start carrying out a feasibility study for a possible development of a hydropower scheme on the Lufubu River. (Image source: PSNH/Flickr)

Lufubu Power Company (LPC) in Zambia will establish a hydro power project in the countrys Northern Province, which will be expected to help mitigate the Zambias current power deficit

UCG is a coal-to-synthesis gas technology that uses air or oxygen to gasify coal in the coal deposit underground. (Image source: weak_hope/Flickr)

South African state company Eskom and petrochemicals firm Sasol have signed a research agreement to explore the potential of underground coal gasification (UCG) technology to boost South Africas energy reserves

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