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Power Generation

The power projects have supplied 110MW of power to Mozambique supplier, Electricidade de Mocambique. (Image source: t0m0)

The Aggreko Shanduka cross-border power project, situated at Ressano Garcia in Mozambique, has received the prize for Africa’s Best Fast Track Power project in 2012 at the Africa Energy Awards

Zimbabwe is presently facing acute electricity shortages with power utility Zesa Holdings generating about 1,200MW against demand of more than 2,000MW. (Image source: rambla/Flickr)

The Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) has revealed plans to give a boost to three small thermal power stations in an attempt to meet the countrys growing power demands

Kenya is heading towards a massive increase in power demand in years to come. (Image source:

The World Bank has granted a sum of US$45mn to develop power generation facilities in Kenya as part of a deal that brought together power company Gulf Power, the Kenyan government and JP Morgan Chase Bank

Tanzania has spent US$183mn to implement emergency power plans to tackle power outages. (Image source: BFS Man)

Tanzania has awarded a US$30mn contract to Finnish firm, Eltel Group, for the construction of an underground electrical transmission line in Dar es Salaam

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