
Power Generation

The Olkaria II geothermal plant, Kenya. (Image source: frank van der vleuten/Flickr)

While the focus on geothermal power in East Africa has mainly been on electricity generation, experts in Kenya now say that its potential goes beyond this into agriculture, health, tourism and hotel industries

EMCO Energy Zambia Limited is to construct a 600MW thermal power plant in Sinazongwe at a cost of US$690mn, which will help in the countrys bid to alleviate the regions current power deficit

The 10 power stations have a combined capacity of 4,263MW. (Image source: Jacob Rommerskirchen/

The Nigerian government has announced that it intends to privatise 10 power stations as part of its effort to guarantee an effective and sustainable power supply in the country and is looking for investors

Electricity of Djibouti is a public-owned industrial and commercial establishment. (Image source: Carlos Koblischek/

Qatar Petroleum International (QPI) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Electricity of Djibouti to jointly evaluate and develop a 60MW wind power plant in Djibouti

The plant is expected to be completed over the next five years. (Image source: Drouu/

General Electric (GE) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Ghanaian government to build a 1,000 MW power plant in the country

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