

The West African island nation has set a goal of meeting 50 per cent of its electricity needs through renewable energy by 2020. (Image source: USDAgov/Flickr)

Cape Verde has announced that it will receive US$75.5mn from the European Commission (EC) for the development of renewable energy sources in the island country

Pico-solar lights can reduce the need for families in rural Africa to rely on burning fuels such as kerosene for light. (Image source: SolarAid)

Google has agreed to fund a US$650,000 two-year Randomised Control Trial study (RCT) into the impact of solar lights on poverty alleviation in Africa

Power Africa will add 10 gigawatts of electricity to six sub-Saharan countries. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

US president Barack Obamas multi-billion dollar project Power Africa will comprise solar and wind installations in six sub-Saharan countries to increase access to electricity 

The funds will help Rwanda expand its electricity network. (Image source: Brian Smith/Flickr)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has recently signed an agreement with the Rwandan government to give the country US$40mn for the expansion of its electricity network

Powerway would develop the plant in partnership with local renewables company Mobility Holdings. (Image source: Patrick Moore/

Powerway South Africa, a subsidiary of the Chinese Powerway Renewable Energy Company, plans to invest US$160mn to construct a 100MW solar power plant in Zimbabwe

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