

AIOG will supply provide liquefied natural gas (LNG) for mining projects in Western Africa. (Image source: Gasol plc)

West African energy development company Gasol plc has entered a strategic partnership with Switzerland-based African Iron Ore Group Limited (AIOG) to provide liquefied natural gas (LNG) for mining projects in western Africa

Off-grid solar refers to generating power in a self-sufficient manner without any reliance on power grids. (Image source: USDAGov/Flickr)

US-based solar services company SolarCity is to invest US$7mn in Tanzanian solar lighting services company Off Grid Electric to produce off-grid solar power

The GERD will produce 6,000MW of power and help Ethiopia reduce deficits. (Image source: Grand Millenium Dam)

The 6,000 MW Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) hydropower project, worth US$4.7bn, will begin generating electricity in 18 months, according to the Ethiopian government

The Lake Turkana Wind Power project is reportedly the largest wind power scheme in Africa, and will supply 300MW of electricity. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Lake Turkana Wind power project in Kenya will receive US$692mn in funds after 11 banking institutions signed a pact to finance the project

The EAC hopes the surplus will be achieved assuming the annual growth for demand remains the same. (Image source: Oranviryincy/Flickr)

The East Africa Community (EAC) hopes to have a power surplus of 400MW by 2018 if all projects in the pipeline are implemented

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