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U.S.-led Power Africa program to boost generation capacity across the continent by 30,000MW. (Image source: Paul Robinson)

Private sector commitments to President Barack Obamas push to increase electricity in Africa now top $20bn

The CTRG natural gas power plant has an electricity generation capacity of 180MW. (Image source: Victoria Catterson/Flickr)

A natural gas-powered electricity generation plant Central Térmica de Ressano Garcia (CTRG) has been inaugurated in Mozambique’s Moamba district at Maputo district to tackle load shedding in the region

The World Bank is providing more than $73mn for technical, environmental, and social studies on the Inga 3 Hydropower project. (Image source: jbdodane)

DR Congo is looking to choose a contractor by July for its controversial US$12bn hydroelectric project aimed at producing up to 4,800MW of power by diverting about one-sixth of the Congo River

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