
AJ Power supply gensets to Ghana

The generating sets supplied to the beverage company in Ghana. (Image Source: AJ Power)

AJ Power has recently supplied three gensets to a beverage company in Ghana in association with the local AJ Power distributor, G&J Technical Services Ltd.

Two AJ1400 Mitsubishi powered S12R-PTA gensets, rated at 1250 kVA prime power, 1400 kVA standby power were supplied. Each set was supplied with a 3200 litre day tank which included automatic fuel transfer system from the main bulk fuel storage tank. For the same installation a smaller AJ275 powered by an AGCO Power engine was supplied, rated at 250 kVA prime power.  The three gensets were supplied with set mounted synchronising panels and motorised circuit breakers, the sets are being used daily to provide power on a load demand start/stop scenario, for the beverage company factory, situated in Accra.

AJ Power previously supplied two 1250 kVA generating sets for the same compound for this beverage company. These latest additions bring the total power of 5.25 mVA supplied to the customer.

The company specialises in the volume manufacture and design of diesel generating sets. AJ Power manufactures diesel gensets from 10 kVA to 3350 kVA for use in various applications, including telecommunications, agriculture and data centres.

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